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OSHA 30, OSHA 10, SST Training, EPA RRP, Flagger

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What Is OSHA 30 Hour Training?

OSHA 30 Hour Training for construction and general industry prepares supervisors and workers to avoid workplace safety and health risks. Topics covered in OSHA 30 Hour Training include general worksite safety, avoiding common hazards, understanding workers' rights, employer responsibilities and more. Finish your training and earn an OSHA 30 card from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) - a standard requirement for employment in construction and other industries. It is also required to obtain your SST Card along with your Site Safety Training Courses (SST Courses).

Who Needs OSHA 30 Hour Training?

OSHA 30 Hour Training benefits supervisors and workers with safety roles, including those in construction, manufacturing, factory operations, health care and more. Our OSHA 30 Hour Training courses (in-person or webinar) promote safe and healthful work environments by training workers to spot, predict and avoid hazards within the workplace. Our OSHA 30 Hour Training course is acceptable for workers who perform new construction, alterations or repairs. If you're a supervisor in any industry aside from construction, agriculture or maritime, OSHA considers you a general industry worker and recommends the OSHA 30 Hour Training General Industry course.

How to Earn Your OSHA 30 Department of Labor Card

When you successfully complete OSHA 30 Hour Training, you'll receive a OSHA 30 DOL card in construction or general industry. We'll deliver your plastic, wallet-sized OSHA 30 card by mail, free of charge. Immediately after you finish the course, you'll download a certificate of completion by email or from your user account. While you await your OSHA 30 card to arrive within the mail, you'll provide the certificate to your employer to prove you completed your training.

What Are the advantages of an OSHA 30 Card?

Acquiring an OSHA 30 DOL card proves to employers that you simply have completed 30 hours of OSHA-authorized training at Able Safety Consulting on critical workplace safety topics specific to your industry. Supervisors and workers with this credential have gained knowledge and skills that help prevent injuries and keep workplaces safe and productive.


For more information please visit: ablesafety.com

(Available in: in-person or webinar)

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